Lauren Wilkinson - American Spy

This week, Phil & Natalie speak with the wonderful Lauren Wilkinson, whose debut novel American Spy was a smash hit in the States and a Barack Obama Reading List pick. Lauren joins BestSellers from New York and talks about how this book was seven years in the making; how she's now writing for TV as a result of the success of this novel and a sneak peek at what book number two will be about. Plus she reassures Natalie about how long her own edits are taking on her debut novel.

*We recorded this interview before the death of George Floyd, which is why it's not discussed with Lauren. So when we ask her how New York is, we are still referring to the Covid19 lockdown situation and not the protests that followed George Floyd's death.*


Christy Lefteri - The Beekeeper of Aleppo


Ollie Ollerton - Battle Ready